Category: Best Practices

Salary Review versus Performance Review

Meeting specific objectives should be required for any position, and fulfilling job requirements is a prerequisite for a salary increase, but any change in salary is also dictated by a number of factors that are unrelated to performance.

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KPIs Are the Key to Improve Operations

To use even more advanced accounting KPIs, assess relationship numbers or those variables that are interdependent on other operations within the organization. Relationship numbers include number of sales in the pipeline, billable efficiency, gross margin, and net margin.

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Is it a Process or a Procedure? Understanding the Difference

When you break down the process into a set of defined procedures, those procedures become work instructions. The instructions define multiple procedures and the roles of various individuals responsible for those procedures, so when they come together they define a successful process.

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Behavioral Interviews Lead to Better Hiring Decisions

We advocate using a behavioral interview to determine whether a candidate is a good fit. With a behavioral interview, the objective is to assess knowledge, skills, and abilities; the competencies that are reflected from past experience. The idea is that past performance is a good predictor of future performance. Here is a list of sample behavioral interview questions.

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Screening for Cultural Fit

Cultural fit can cover a variety of characteristics, but ultimately, the question hiring managers should be looking to answer is, does this candidate’s values align with those of the company?

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