Category: Human Resources

Screening for Cultural Fit

Cultural fit can cover a variety of characteristics, but ultimately, the question hiring managers should be looking to answer is, does this candidate’s values align with those of the company?

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Engage! Employee Development Secrets and Keeping Your Team Motivated

as with any business operation, employee development needs to be approached as a structured system, with objectives clearly established at the outset and measurable results along the way. The larger objective is to improve employee results and performance in a way that promotes professional and personal growth, at the same time it enhances the employee-manager relationship.

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“How am I Doing, Boss?” – Management Metrics Improve Team Performance

most managers only measure outputs, not inputs, which is like telling a Little League team to score more runs, rather than actually explaining how to swing a bat and make contact with the ball. Similarly, most companies measure traffic, revenue or earnings, without considering how to improve the company at an atomic level: how to make a meeting better, or an engineer more productive.

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Recognizing the Symptoms of a Toxic Employee

And like any disease, a toxic employee can subtly spread counterproductive attitudes and actions to other employees. Employees who were productive but lacked the strength to overcome the negative forces become carriers of the disease, and so the toxicity spreads. Over time, the entire company can be infected.

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How to Deal with Unhappy Employees

Part of the job of senior managers is to keep the corporate vision alive. When you have toxic employees undermining operations, it’s challenging to keep your eye on long-term objectives, but the best defense against cranky workers is maintaining a positive attitude and a clear vision, and sharing that vision.

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Pacific Crest Group Helps CB’a Brand Engine’s Expansion By Providing Solid Back Office and Accounting Foundation

CB’a Brand Engine, has been working with Pacific Crest Group to help the company expand following its recent launch as a new joint venture of two established branding firms, and the opening of a Chicago satellite office. Thanks to Pacific Crest Group’s expert accounting and CFO-for-hire services, the launch of the newly formed CB’a Brand Engine has been smooth and seamless for its clients.

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